B.A.V International Senior Sec. School

B.A.V International Senior Sec. School

A Temple for Education
Learning Something from Everything

Kanchipuram - 631502

Food Festival

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We commenced the 7th FOOD FESTIVAL on 18th of FEB  ( Saturday) at our BAV INTL SCHOOL premises.

This event is highly anticipated by the entire BAV Family, not only because it provides a welcome break from the usual routine life, but also because this food festival gives a glimpse at the culture of their native food or ancestral lands.

We allotted four region for the parents to display their food in the name of “ சேர நாடு, சோழ நாடு, பாண்டிய நாடு, பல்லவ நாடு ”

we wish to thank you for your unwavering support throughout this academic year.  Parents and Children took part enthusiastically and enjoyed varieties of food.

As a token of gratitude later our principal mam presented souvenirs marking the occasion , we honoured the children of whose parents actively participated. Thank you for making this grandiose success!!!!