Promotion to the next class depends on the whole year’s work, on regular attendance, on the overall development and the ability to cope with the next step in the student’s education.
Evaluation of the academic performance will be based on the tests and examinations conducted and the assignment and projects allotted form time to time.
A student must obtain 40% in all the subjects in order to be eligible for promotion to the next class.
Consideration will be shown for co - curricular and extra curricular achievements.
Only those students with a minimum of 85% attendance of the working days, during each academic year, will be considered for promotion.
Absentees at an examination will be considered as having failed unless it is established that their absence was due to illness.
CBSE - I - Empowers.. Education
Power instrument of change
Meaningful for meeting the challenges of present and future.
Key to preparing for a global world
Future Workforce
Willingness to learn
Collaborative team work
Positive attitude
Key features of the CBSE - I
Enquiry and skill based curriculum
Catering to individual learning styles
Learner and learning centric
Focus on experimental learning
Focus on experimental learning
Focus on real world experiences
Five learning areas represented as the five petals which intersect in a trans disciplinary approach.